Sunday, August 9, 2009

Long over due update!

So, for those who just so happen to run into my blog while surfing the world wide web every now and then here is an update!

Now I haven't had much time to sit down and draw much, which hinders my growth as an artist, but school is quite busy for me recently! The Game Art and Design program at my school focus is mainly on the computer (of course!) so programming and modeling and such things like that are taking precedence, I how ever am not that good at modeling right now so I will not be putting any 3D up any time soon.

All right, time to wrap this up with some explanations of the pieces here.

1. This was a failed attempt to try for the Darkstalkers Tribute book, I drew out this concept and didn't like it and decided to scrap that, school got the most of my time during then as well and I could not see my other angle come to fruition oh well gotta keep on truckin.

2. The one and only Akuma! I did this cause I just wanted to draw him. I made copies of this drawing and started practicing my water coloring every now and then.

3. The Last Airbender...The ever it is you refer to this little guy one thing is consistant, he rocks! This is honestly my favorite cartoon. So many reasons to argue why but it's ok I won't go there. I just got inspired to draw him in my "style." There will probably be more of him. Who knows.

Well I'm heading off now. Possible updates will include more water color stuff, that I have already done, hopefully I will get better...if I can find someone who will really critique and help me out with it.

Oh and by the way, I'm starting up a blog for my philosophical side...more on that later.

Take care all.
~The Big PR~

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