Thursday, November 29, 2007

What a Fox!

Ha, well everyone another portrait of a famous beauty Megan Fox, I love her eyes they are so beautiful, I will probably try to color something on this one, key word try, sometime later, haha.


I loved this assignment, Batman is my favorite hero of all time, I used to run around in my underwear with a black trash bag and a Batman mask on all the time when I was younger...a shame I had to stop. :) Well, we got the assignment to re-design Batman and I decided to mend two things i like, Comics and Video Games. I took Batman and Altair (Assassin's Creed) and mashed them together, it's not like I put Batman head on Altair's body, I left out some stuff that Altair had and put some stuff on that Batman had. I will probably color it a little later just to make it Bat-Ass haha get ok fine.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

And here's a little something....

New! It's been a while since I did a portrait realistically I took from what I learned in school to take a different approach then what I used to. Enjoy!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Poppin the Blog Cherry

What's up Bloggers hows the life treating ya? Well I'm posting my first blog and it's kinda cool to have my blog set up, in this blog I'm going to show case my first digital painting, my very first one ever. So, it's not the best but it's a start. I will post more stuff once I scan them in.

Keep your head up folks!

-Nelson "Big PR" Carrasquillo